Analysis and Intervention - Florance, Italy

An analysis of Florence, Italy - comparing to the size of Columbus, Indiana, movement through the city, and growth over time. Florence expereinced many great floods though history. Hypothesizing a potential future for Florence, flooding risk is imminent.

DESIGN INTERVENTION: Piazza della Signoria is the historic political center of Florence and is the epicenter of the Renaissance. Many of the worlds most precious collection of art and books are in Florence. Since the great flood of 1966, the city has fails to raise enough monetary support to remedy another flooding disaster. In 2050, Private investors have implemented 4K AI tourisms and surveillance bots to roam the culturally significant sites in Florence. High definition and real time video footage is available anytime though out the world. These bots also used LiDAR technology to scan and catalog  these works to aid in a rescue in case of natural disaster. Autonomous life boats could be deployed to rescue Florentine citizens and the treasured art it holds.